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The Tale of Two Women (Thursday, March 5)

“Some people read the Bible and see words; I see pictures,” explained Pastor Michael Lewis. He successfully enabled the congregation to picture the lives and experiences of the women he focused on during the sermon on Thursday night. Female relationships now and in Bible days were explored through discussions of Sarah and Hagar, Rachel and Leah, Peninah and Hannah and the two mothers, during  Solomon's reign, who claimed one baby. The later was discussed more extensively and used to segue into the metaphor from the Bible of woman representing the church.

With the proclamations of the two women being equally emphatic and convincing, confusion resulted for many. However, Solomon inspired by God sent for his sword which resulted in discovery of the truth. The fact was established that there are only two churches, absolutely no middle ground, and both are emphatic and convincing in their proclamation. We need to use the Word of God (sword) to establish in our minds what is  'truth’ and end all confusion as Solomon did through the aid of the Holy Spirit.

‘The Word of Truth Series’ is geared to empowering all attendees to choose Christ and His way as a result of exploring the scriptures.  



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